








National Level Annual Sports Fest

"Ignite the Passion, Embrace the Challenge: Unleash the Sports Spirit Within!"
The Apex University's National Level Annual Sports Fest, 2024-25, is set to kick off with tremendous energy at the
Apex University Sitapura Campus from February 7th to 9th, 2024 for UG & PG Students.

The purpose to organize this event is to enhance the overall synergy and groom the hidden talents of the students in the perspective of modern age challenges. We at Apex University cordially invite your esteemed university/institute/college to be a part of this event and shall appreciate if you could kindly encourage your students to take part & make this event a memorable one.


S.No. Activities Time Event Venue
1 Opening Ceremony 9:00 AM Onwards

Apex Institute of Engineering and Technology

ISI-5, RIICO Institutional Area, Apex Cir, Sitapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302020

2 Cricket 11:30 AM Onwards
3 Football 11:30 AM Onwards
4 Basketball 11:30 AM Onwards
5 Badminton 11:30 AM Onwards
6 Volleyball 11:30 AM Onwards
7 Kabaddi 11:30 AM Onwards
8 Table Tennis 11:30 AM Onwards
S.No. Activities Time Event Venue
1 Cricket(SF) 9:00 AM Onwards

Apex Institute of Engineering and Technology

ISI-5, RIICO Institutional Area, Apex Cir, Sitapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302020

2 Football(SF) 9:00 AM Onwards
3 Basketball(SF) 9:00 AM Onwards
4 Badminton(SF) 9:00 AM Onwards
5 Volleyball(SF) 9:00 AM Onwards
6 Kabaddi(SF) 9:00 AM Onwards
7 Table Tennis 9:00 AM Onwards
8 Chess 9:00 AM Onwards
9 Tug Of War 9:00 AM Onwards
S.No. Activities Time Event Venue
1 Cricket(finals) 9:00 AM Onwards

Apex Institute of Engineering and Technology

ISI-5, RIICO Institutional Area, Apex Cir, Sitapura, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302020

2 Football(finals) 9:00 AM Onwards
3 Basketball(finals) 9:00 AM Onwards
4 Badminton(finals) 9:00 AM Onwards
5 Volleyball(finals) 9:00 AM Onwards
6 Kabaddi(finals) 9:00 AM Onwards

Rule Book

Cricket ( Male / Female )

Football ( Male / Female )

Volleyball ( Male / Female )

Badminton Single ( Male / Female ), Double ( Male / Female ), Mixed

  • Event will be held at Apex Institute of Engineering and Technology, ISI-5,RIICO Institutional Area, Near Apex Circle, Sitapura, Jaipur.
  • All Matches will be in Mixed Doubles, Doubles, Singles Match format.
  • Everyone must carry their non-marking shoes with them.
  • Badminton racket will be brought by the respective teams.
  • All games will be played according to best of 3 basis, each set will be of 15 points.

Basketball ( Male / Female )

  • Event will be held at Apex Institute of Engineering and Technology, ISI-5,RIICO Institutional Area, Near Apex Circle, Sitapura, Jaipur.
  • There will be Separate Teams and Matches for Girls and Boys
  • Maximum teams permissible: - 15 (On first Register, First Serve Basis)
  • Team should consist of maximum 12players.
  • 10 minutes each quarter with 2-minute break between the quarters and 5 minutes at half time.
  • Ball will be provided by us.
  • Normal FIBA rules will be applicable.

Tabletennis Single ( Male / Female ), Double ( Male / Female ), Mixed

  • Event will be held at Apex Institute of Engineering and Technology, ISI-5, RIICO Institutional Area, Near Apex Circle, Sitapura, Jaipur.
  • All Matches will be in Mixed Doubles, Doubles, Singles Match format.
  • TT balls will be provided by us & racket will be brought by the respective team.
  • Final game will be of 5 set
  • Normal TTFI rules will be applicable.
  • Use of dead racquet is not allowed. If a player found guilty then He/She will be disqualified.
  • Normal FIBA rules will be applicable.

Kabaddi ( Male / Female )

  • Event will be held at Apex Institute of Engineering and Technology, ISI-5, RIICO Institutional Area, Near Apex Circle, Sitapura, Jaipur.
  • There will be Separate Teams and Matches for Girls and Boys.
  • Maximum teams permissible: -15 (On first Register, First Serve Basis)
  • Maximum 12players are allowed per team.
  • (7playing +5 reserved).

Cricket ( Male / Female )

Football ( Male / Female )

  • Event will be held at Apex Institute of Engineering and Technology, ISI-5,RIICO Institutional Area, Near Apex Circle, Sitapura, Jaipur.
  • There will be Separate Teams and Matches for Girls and Boys.
  • Maximum 15 players are allowed per team. (11playing +4 extras).
  • Each half will be of the duration of 30 minutes. With a half time of 5 minutes. (Extra time will be added at the end of each half accordingly).
  • Normal FIFA rules will be applicable.
  • Only one team can participate from each college.

Volleyball ( Male / Female )

  • Event will be held at Apex Institute of Engineering and Technology, ISI-5,RIICO Institutional Area, Near Apex Circle, Sitapura, Jaipur.
  • There will be Separate Teams and Matches for Girls and Boys.
  • Team shall consist of maximum (6 players +6 extras).
  • Quarter Final Match- 21points and final match-25 points. All the preliminary rounds will be best of 3 sets.
  • Semi-finals and final will be best of 3 sets.
  • Volleyball will be provided by us.

Tabletennis Single ( Male / Female ), Double ( Male / Female), Mixed

  • Event will be held at Apex Institute of Engineering and Technology, ISI-5,RIICO Institutional Area, Near Apex Circle, Sitapura, Jaipur.
  • All Matches will be in Mixed Doubles, Doubles, Singles Match format.
  • Use of dead racquet is not allowed. If a player found guilty then He/She will be disqualified.
  • TT balls will be provided by us & racket will be brought by the respective team.
  • All games will be best of 3 each set will be of 11points.
  • Final game will be of 5 set.
  • Normal TTFI rules will be applicable.

Basketball ( Male / Female )

  • Event will be held at Apex Institute of Engineering and Technology, ISI-5,RIICO Institutional Area, Near Apex Circle, Sitapura, Jaipur.
  • There will be Separate Teams and Matches for Men's and Women's
  • Team should consist of maximum 12 players
  • 10 minutes each quarter with 2-minute break between the quarters and 5 minute at half time.
  • Ball will be provided by us.
  • Normal FIBA rules will be applicable.

Kabaddi ( Male / Female )

  • Event will be held at Apex Institute of Engineering and Technology, ISI-5,RIICO Institutional Area, Near Apex Circle, Sitapura, Jaipur.
  • There will be Separate Teams and Matches for Men's and Women's
  • Maximum 12 players are allowed per team.
  • (7 playing + 5 reserved).

Badminton Single ( Male / Female ), Double ( Male / Female), Mixed

  • Event will be held at Apex Institute of Engineering and Technology, ISI-5,RIICO Institutional Area, Near Apex Circle, Sitapura, Jaipur.
  • All Matches will be in Mixed Doubles, Doubles, Singles Match format.
  • Shuttle cocks will be provided by us.
  • Everyone must carry their non-marking shoes with them.
  • Badminton racket will be brought by the respective teams.
  • All games will be played according to best of 3 basis ,each set will be of 15 points.


  • Event will be held at Apex Institute of Engineering and Technology, ISI-5,RIICO Institutional Area, Near Apex Circle, Sitapura, Jaipur.
  • Both Girls and Boys can play against each other as per the draw.
  • The first mover will be decided on toss basis.
  • Matches will be played on knockout basis.
  • The first mover will be decided on toss basis.
  • If a player touches one of their own pieces they must move that piece as long as it is a legal move.
  • If a player touches an opponent piece they must capture that piece.
  • A player who wishes to touch a piece only to adjust it on the board must first announce what they are doing, usually by saying "adjust".
  • Special moves like castling are in the game.
  • The replacement piece in the special pawn rule is to be placed on the same square in the last row.
  • There will be 2types of matches. -
  • 1) .Knockout Match: This will be 20 minutes round and the maximum time allotted for each move is 20 seconds. All the matches played before quarter-finals will be of this type. If the match remains unfinished then the points will be considered to decide the winner.
  • 2) .Full Matches: Full time will be allotted to the players to finish the match.

TUG OF WAR ( Male / Female )

  • Event will be held at Apex Institute of Engineering and Technology, ISI-5,RIICO Institutional Area, Near Apex Circle, Sitapura, Jaipur.
  • This is a Team Event, which will be held for both Girls and Boys separately.
  • Each side must have 7players.
  • The team which pulls the rope to their area wins the game.

Cricket ( Male / Female )

Basketball ( Male / Female )

Kabaddi ( Male / Female )

Football ( Male / Female )

Volleyball ( Male / Female )

Badminton Single ( Male / Female ), Double ( Male / Female ), Mixed